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West Village Studios

Coming Winter 2022


Conversion of an existing hotel built in 1969 to california homekey studios with kitchenettes and 15% of the studios upgraded to current california building code (cbc) 2019 chapter 11b mobility units and 10% upgraded to cbc 2019 units with communication features as required by the homekey program. Common community areas to be provided including counseling rooms, case manager office, community room, work areas, small group meeting room, staff breakroom, ada men’s and women’s restrooms, offices, & new check−in counter, etc. Small outdoor amenities to be provided for residents include a basketball court, a dog park, a small smoking area, and some concrete walkways. New fencing will be constructed at the exterior as well as two new vehicular access gates with city of arcata approved eva opening capabilities. A separate demolition permit is to be issued for the project. Redwood Community Action Agency providing Case Management


4975 Valley W Blvd, Arcata, CA 95521



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