Creamery Row Townhomes

Arcata, CA

A two-story house with a distinctive green and mustard-colored exterior. It features a sloped roof, a small porch, and several windows. The driveway and a wooden fence can be seen in the foreground, under a clear blue sky.

Creamery Row es una comunidad de viviendas asequibles con 18 unidades, creada para apoyar a familias de bajos ingresos.

977 8th St, Arcata, CA 95521

Vivienda Asequible Multi Familiar

Creamery Row es una comunidad de viviendas asequibles con 18 unidades, creada para apoyar a familias de bajos ingresos. Para calificar para una vivienda en Creamery Row, las familias deben cumplir con restricciones de ingresos específicas, basadas en un porcentaje del Ingreso Medio del Área (AMI) del condado. Este proyecto cobró vida gracias a la colaboración de Danco Communities, Community Revitalization & Development Corporation, Danco Builders, el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario, el Comité de Asignación de Créditos Fiscales de California, Raymond James, Citi Bank y la Ciudad de Arcata, todos trabajando juntos para proporcionar viviendas a quienes lo necesitan.

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Comunidad de Vivienda Asequible de 18 Unidades

Comodidades Modernas

Fácil Acceso a Transporte Público

A row of colorful, two-story townhouses with a clear blue sky in the background. The houses feature different shades of paint and have driveways in front. A grassy field and distant hills can be seen on the left side.
A narrow alley between two rows of suburban houses. A rustic wooden fence lines the path, and warm sunlight illuminates the lamp on one house. The sky is clear, with distant hills in the background.
A row of modern, colorful townhouses under a clear blue sky. The homes feature varied facades with different colors including blue, red, and green. The street is empty, creating a peaceful suburban atmosphere.
A row of colorful two-story houses with yellow, green, teal, and maroon exteriors are lined up under a clear blue sky. A wooden fence borders the houses, and tree shadows are cast on the yellow house.
A modern two-story house with a green and mustard-yellow exterior. It has a covered entrance, multiple windows, and is part of a row of similar homes. The sky is clear and blue.

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